True Love Quotes

Real and true love quotes

Real and true love quotes romance statements and colloquialisms. Genuine affection Statements. In the event that somebody really cherishes you, they won't disclose to you romantic tales, they will make a romantic tale with you. Genuine affection is everlasting, unending, and constantly such as itself. Genuine affection isn't the quantity of kisses, or how frequently you get them, genuine romance is the inclination that despite everything waits long after the kiss is over."True love is knowing an individual's issues, and cherishing them considerably more for them." "Genuine affection resembles a couple of socks you gotta have two and they've gotta coordinate." "Genuine affection is picking the numerous things an individual did right instead of the one thing he fouled up. Genuine romance doesn't keep the record of wrongs." Genuine romance is limitless; the more you give, the more you have. Searching for the best statements about genuine affection? We've arranged a rundown of genuine love statements and maxims.

Real and true love quotes

You have to love what you do to want to do it everyday.Aaliyah
Love implies anger. The man who is angered by nothing cares about nothing.Edward Abbey
Sitting at home the way I do, I'd just love the hear from people. It'd be a great help in passing the time.Bud Abbott
America fell in love with the innocence of a kid who just was honest, saying, I did the best I could, and I had no formal training.Paula Abdul
There is love there. And then there's times when I can't even stomach Simon. You don't have to sit next to him. That's all I have to say.Paula Abdul
The idea that you can make love and not war really is pretty neat. That thing in Korea, the thing in Israel - that's all over the world. There must be a new way of thinking.F. Murray Abraham
There's nothing more human than two people making love.Victoria Abril
On the surface we all act like we all love each other and we're free and easy, and actually we're far more moralistic than any other society I've ever lived in.Kathy Acker
Mysterious love, uncertain treasure, hast thou more of pain or pleasure! Endless torments dwell about thee: Yet who would live, and live without thee!Joseph Addison
Those Marriages generally abound most with Love and Constancy, that are preceded by a long Courtship.Joseph Addison
But no one frees himself from being in love in three days.Isabelle Adjani
In love, one should simplify, choose persons worthy of their promises and leave them if they don't keep them.Isabelle Adjani
One can not love without opening oneself, and opening oneself, that's taking the risk of suffering. One does not have control.Isabelle Adjani
There has also been much love, joy, evidence of admiration, there has never been one without the other.Isabelle Adjani
You protect your being when you love yourself better. That's the secret.Isabelle Adjani
There is a law that man should love his neighbor as himself. In a few hundred years it should be as natural to mankind as breathing or the upright gait; but if he does not learn it he must perish.Alfred Adler
Love is the expansion of two natures in such fashion that each include the other, each is enriched by the other.Felix Adler
The family is the school of duties - founded on love.Felix Adler
Aristotle uses a mother's love for her child as the prime example of love or friendship.Mortimer Adler
Conjugal love, or the friendship of spouses, can persist even after sexual desires have weakened, withered, and disappeared.Mortimer Adler
Erotic or sexual love can truly be love if it is not selfishly sexual or lustful.Mortimer Adler
I find the selectivity of erotic love - the choice of this man or this woman - much more intelligible if liking the person is the origin of sexual interest, rather than the other way.Mortimer Adler
If one wants another only for some self-satisfaction, usually in the form of sensual pleasure, that wrong desire takes the form of lust rather than love.Mortimer Adler
In English we must use adjectives to distinguish the different kinds of love for which the ancients had distinct names.Mortimer Adler
It is love rather than sexual lust or unbridled sexuality if, in addition to the need or want involved, there is also some impulse to give pleasure to the persons thus loved and not merely to use them for our own selfish pleasure.Mortimer Adler
Love can be unselfish, in the sense of being benevolent and generous, without being selfless.Mortimer Adler
Love wishes to perpetuate itself. Love wishes for immortality.Mortimer Adler
Love without conversation is impossible.Mortimer Adler
The love which moves the world, according to common Christian belief, is God's love and the love of God.Mortimer Adler
Theories of love are found in the works of scientists, philosophers, and theologians.Mortimer Adler
Think how different human societies would be if they were based on love rather than justice. But no such societies have ever existed on earth.Mortimer Adler
Ultimately, we wish the joy of perfect union with the person we love.Mortimer Adler
When we ask for love, we don't ask others to be fair to us-but rather to care for us, to be considerate of us. There is a world of difference here between demanding justice... and begging or pleading for love.Mortimer Adler
He who has loved and who betrays love does harm not only to the image of the past, but to the past itself.Theodor Adorno
Love you will find only where you may show yourself weak without provoking strength.Theodor Adorno
There is no love that is not an echo.Theodor Adorno
God loves to help him who strives to help himself.Aeschylus
My family would be supportive if I said I wanted to be a Martian, wear only banana skins, make love to ashtrays, and eat tree bark.Casey Affleck
The first movie was mostly about George and Julia. This one is mostly about me and Catherine and our love story and our whole history. So it's a very different movie.Casey Affleck
Through these offices it was my privilege to get to know almost every Jewish person, and those whom I did not come to know through these offices I came to know through love and a desire to know my brethren, the members of my people.Shmuel Y. Agnon
The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved, just to love and be loved.Eden Ahbez
You know, I think I'm a stronger person for realizing that you can't make everybody love you.Clay Aiken
All lovely things will have an ending, All lovely things will fade and die; And youth, that's now so bravely spending, Will beg a penny by and by.Conrad Aiken
What's the most important thing in the world? It's love, and I look at that as an energy, not a sentiment.Eddie Albert
Love each other or die.Mitch Albom
I was in Europe and it was at this stage that I fell in love with Americans in uniform. And I continue to have that love affair.Madeleine Albright
I'm in the real world, some people try to steal from me, and I stop them, frequently, take them to court. I love a good lawsuit. It's fun.Alan Alda
What is lovely never dies, put passes into other loveliness.Thomas Bailey Aldrich
I really love the process, with stage, of rehearsal, you get to create a character, and you have a beginning, a middle, and an end of story. And in television, you don't.Sasha Alexander
Words of love, are works of love.William R. Alger


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